Is it REALLY all about sex for men? (Part II)

Previously on the Mel Crosbie Blog

I explained the struggle to rebuff sexual advances of attached men. Some may say, “well, you know you don’t have to respond?”  Yeah, see that’s not my personality. I like being there for people, the problem is I expect everyone to be like me. To have my best interest at heart. Not all men are like that from what I can see…

Cookie-LogoA guy told me a LONG time ago that everything a man does goes back to getting “the cookie.”

If he has aspirations of making six-figures, it to attract a woman so he can get the cookie. If he dresses well, it’s so he will be noticed and he can get the cookie. If he works out…yeah, it may be for his health, but it’s mostly to look better to get the cookie.

Nice car? Cookie.

Beautiful home? Cookie.

What I find fascinating is, it seems there are a number of unhappily married men out there and, who I suspect they are still getting SOME sex at home, but yet they are the ones working like dogs on the job and throwing weights up like there’s no tomorrow…and for what?

New cookie maybe?

Unattached guys, however…hahaha…they don’t have to try so hard. It may be true that wedding bands are like woman magnets for married men, but if reincarnation is true, I’d come back a single man. Most don’t even try to pretend; if they are not ready to settle down, they will make it quite clear that it’s all about sex. Their mouths may say something politically correct, but my experience is that it all comes back to sex for them as well.

Case number One – Edgar. I’ve known Edgar for a number of years. We worked together for almost ten years and got along pretty well. We were both married at the time and although I didn’t really look at him that way when we worked together, apparently he was attracted to me. Fast-forward five years after I left the job, he began contacting me through social media (Facebook is the devil, if you haven’t heard) and he kept asking me to call him.  Clearly, I’m dense because I just didn’t put two and two together.

We eventually connected and he made it clear that now that we’re both available he wants to go after what he wants: me! Part of me could appreciate that, I was even a little flattered. He’s considerably older than me, but initially I looked past that.  What threw me off, however, was during our second phone call he started to ask me what I liked sexually?

Wait, I’m still grappling with the idea of dating an older, former co-worker that I was mildy attracted to, and he’s already talking about sex? Geez, can we have a date in first? He seems like a mature, determined guy, but that threw me…

Case number Two — Eddie. Yes, the one and the same. It’s clear (and disappointing) where this is going.

(To be continued…)

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