Category: dating

I’m a Thick-headed Idiot


(Author’s note: This is a longer post than normal; I typically try to keep my posts to around 500 words, but I’m not interested in doing a Part 1/Part 2 type of thing with this subject. I just want to be done with it at this point.)

So, I just wanted to provide a quick update on where I am in my search for love.

Nowhere really…

I guess I could end it there, but since this is a blog about dating, relationships, love, sex, etc. and I actually need to vent a bit (writing help me get things out of my system, I guess I can expound on things just a wee bit).

First, I do truly feel like an idiot and as an idiot, I feel like putting another idiot out of his misery as well. And I’m looking for candid advice from readers and fellow bloggers. (more…)

Unrequited like (Part II – AN EPIPHANY!)


I’ve had an epiphany!

In my last post I wrote about this interesting situation I have found myself in.

There’s this pretty nice guy who really likes me (Edgar) — he’s actually pretty smitten, but the feelings aren’t exactly mutual.


There’s a guy I’ve been seeing (or had been seeing…candidly, I’m not sure what’s going on now) Eddie, that I’ve enjoyed spending time with and getting to know, but he doesn’t seem to be that into me. I’m not sure why and at this point it stings a bit, but that isn’t important now. (more…)

Unrequited like?!?


Being a divorced woman, like most (I suspect) I can have pretty low self-esteem at times, but in general I think I’m a pretty good catch. I’m educated, sexy, charming, pretty good in bed (or so I’ve been told) and I’ve learned some things from my marriage and romantic interactions since that has me excited about my future in the love department. (more…)

Is it REALLY all about sex for men? (Part III)

lovequote2Honestly, I can’t blame Eddie…  For whatever reason, when it comes to online dating, I attract and/or go for the same guy: the one who is unavailable be it physically, emotionally or both. I end up settling for scraps when I know better. I know I deserve more.

Eddie, is really Eddie 2.0 and I’ll explain why later. True, he’s been candid with me that he isn’t ready for a relationship, he needs to take care of some things first (remember the whole job situation), he needs to stabilize things in his life. Eddie has told me that he like’s the pace of our relationship, enjoys the sex and just wants to see how things progress (hmm, that all screams, “no commitment for you!”) At least for now.  (more…)

Is it REALLY all about sex for men? (Part II)

Previously on the Mel Crosbie Blog

I explained the struggle to rebuff sexual advances of attached men. Some may say, “well, you know you don’t have to respond?”  Yeah, see that’s not my personality. I like being there for people, the problem is I expect everyone to be like me. To have my best interest at heart. Not all men are like that from what I can see…

Cookie-LogoA guy told me a LONG time ago that everything a man does goes back to getting “the cookie.”

If he has aspirations of making six-figures, it to attract a woman so he can get the cookie. If he dresses well, it’s so he will be noticed and he can get the cookie. If he works out…yeah, it may be for his health, but it’s mostly to look better to get the cookie. (more…)